Katy Brown (cavatina)'s status on Sunday, 06-May-12 20:38:56 UTC

  1. GOOD NEWS EVERYPONY. Right, i've kicked me out of my depression my re-doing my computer plan to make it £1000 cheaper (in light of my current emergency of NO desktop computer), to £600~ (the plan did include a new monitor and speakers but we cut them off anyway~). Basically Its a hell of a lot cheaper, and Ramona has agreed a set ammount she's gonna contribute, £220. This means come the end of July? I'll have a pretty decent gaming PC again. The specs are pretty decent, the GPU can run Battlefield 3 on Ultra. I saw some tests that blew my mind...so...yeah. Right now i'm still SO out of luck, but things are looking up ^.^ # http://ur1.ca/96tdu

    Sunday, 06-May-12 20:38:56 UTC from web in context