Edge Of Everfree (edgeofeverfree)'s status on Tuesday, 31-May-11 07:50:42 UTC

  1. You have an argument with your sibling. Do you try to talk about the issue or do you banish the sibling because you are older. Then of course where to banish? How about a castle on earth where one can ponder one's thoughts and learn form one's mistakes...no well how about the moon where one can get even more angry about the situation. Now it may because I have been awake for the past 20 hours and my thinking is twisted slightly..but come on Celestia if you need others to help you know what the magic of friendship truly is then you don't deserve the crown...plus bringing hopeful girls to a party wherein you invited them just because you knew they would cause chaos is pretty ridiculous...

    Tuesday, 31-May-11 07:50:42 UTC from web in context