Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Sunday, 27-May-12 23:21:05 UTC

  1. [b]Wired Article: 'In Defense Of Bronies'[/b]: Over at Wired's GeekMom section there lies a new article written by Rebecca Angel, who, as professed in the article, appears to be on the other side of the double standard that exists with gender-typed media. She enjoys and participates in the sort of stuff that would typically be aimed at the average male demographic and saw the irony that while she wasn't ridiculed for her inter >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/05/wired-article-in-defense-of-bronies.html http://ur1.ca/9e3mh

    Sunday, 27-May-12 23:21:05 UTC from Cereal Velocity in context