Circuit Mane (circuitmane)'s status on Friday, 08-Jun-12 01:08:10 UTC

  1. !thebronyshow D-Pad’s Bronami Fundraiser! That’s right, D-Pad’s bringing you the nostalgic fun that is Toonami with a wonderful Brony Twist! And he’s coming at you loaded for pony! He’ll be showing you the wonderful anime and cartoons of yesteryear and between each show there will be an awesome raffle during the show that will include Friendship Express DVD, A bundle of awesome games, and even a drawing from one lucky pony by John Joseco. There will also be a live interview with Rina-chan, fan voice of Twilight Sparkle. You can catch all of this at at 5PM PST/ 8PM EST this Friday! Come for the shows, stay for the prizes! Donations are going towards and their incredible relief efforts.

    Friday, 08-Jun-12 01:08:10 UTC from web