Neil (nakkecil22)'s status on Thursday, 14-Jun-12 08:15:00 UTC

  1. I am so mad right now. Cleveland gets a Tara appearance. They also get Andrew W.K. What about Atlanta? Atlanta gets…oh, that's right, absolutely nothing. Not even like a VA for freaking parasprites. And if I had driven six hours I could have gone to a con that Tara canceled an appearance at. That's the best I could possibly do. This is so trash. Last time I checked I live four hours or less from FIVE commerce centers here in the southeast and we get precisely zero brony cons. WHERE ARE MY BRONYCONS? I WILL FREAKING SPEND MONEY AT THEM. BUT THEY HAVE TO ACTUALLY EXIST FIRST.

    Thursday, 14-Jun-12 08:15:00 UTC from web