Circuit Mane (circuitmane)'s status on Monday, 25-Jun-12 21:48:35 UTC

  1. !thebronyshow Hey there, everypony! Our 57th episode is today, so come on by for an awesome show! We have an interview with the talented Brony musician Sand Josieph, our commentary of Boast Busters, and everything in between from music to games to videos and much more. We also have a fundraiser for our good friend Color Spectrum, who has run into some critical financial straits. Come with open hearts and minds, but be ready to have a blast as well! The fun starts promptly at 6:00 PCT (9:00 EST), with CrimsontheWolf’s Oatmeal Galore Afterparty after the show ends. or

    Monday, 25-Jun-12 21:48:35 UTC from web