Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 21:21:18 UTC

  1. [b]Pony Trading Cards : Sneak Peek # - Lyra and Golden Harvest[/b]: Time for a Background pony character card! They do in fact have a place in the set. That's what happens when you have bronies as consultants! This one pushed the boundary between fandom and Hasbro harder than any they have released previously, but with 137 cards, I'm just going to assume its not alone on that. Have a quote: At the heart of these cards is a sp >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/06/pony-trading-cards-sneak-peek-8-lyra.html http://ur1.ca/9ksgl

    Wednesday, 27-Jun-12 21:21:18 UTC from Sethisto