Bit Shift (bitshift)'s status on Sunday, 01-Jul-12 03:06:23 UTC

  1. @cuddlemonster Please brush up on basic scientific terminology before starting on that "only a theory" tack: a hypothesis is a proposed idea as to how something works, a theory is one which correlates with a strong body of supporting evidence, and a law is something which can be absolutely proven. Yes, evolution is a theory, but you're interpreting the term differently to the scientific sense. And as for the "65% think it's false" number, I would _love_ to see your proof for that. (Also, Christianity is not fundamentally at odds with the idea that evolution happens, unless you wish to believe in a literal 7 day creation; an awful lot of Christians don't, and take it more as a metaphor for how much God guided the process of life.)

    Sunday, 01-Jul-12 03:06:23 UTC from web in context