Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 23:21:04 UTC

  1. [b]Update on Welovefine Sale[/b]: As many of you have emailed, it looks like Welovefine is still dead after the initial rush at 11:30 AM. Unfortunately, I am not sure if they are actually available due to the holiday. I have sent an email off to see if we can get either an extension or possibly an event later on down the road. Your best bet is to keep checking back! We have two and a half hours left. Hopefully they fix it soonish! >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/07/update-on-welovefine-sale.html http://ur1.ca/9q5zl

    Wednesday, 04-Jul-12 23:21:04 UTC from Sethisto in context