Desmond Roseluck (desiros)'s status on Wednesday, 08-Jun-11 11:14:37 UTC

  1. @carcinopony @abigpony @bigponymac Okay, okay, I'll explain. So the mane 6 are summoned to the Announcement Room in Celestia's castle. The castle announcer, a unicorn with a baby blue coat and blond mane named Cloud (Whom the mane 6 seemed to recognize from another adventure) steps onto a platform and everypony in the room (including Celestia herself) goes quiet. Cloud unfurls a scroll and reads: "Fillies and Gentlecolts, there have been reports of new land discovered east of Equestria, and explorers are needed to scope it out. Fortunately, her Highness Princess Celestia has recommended her prized pupil Twilight Sparkle and five guests of her choosing."

    Wednesday, 08-Jun-11 11:14:37 UTC from web in context