lyrica's status on Monday, 23-Jul-12 18:27:43 UTC

  1. so, now that Steam Sale is over, how did everyone make out? I got: Binding of Issac (Gifted to friend), Borderlands DLC Pack (Gifted by @foxgopher), Dead Space 1 and 2, Saints Row the Third DLC (Nyte Blade Pack, Maximum Pleasure Pack, Saints Purple OPs pack, and Gangstas in Space) Cave Story + (gifted to @techdisck I think) Batman Arkham City, Arkham City Skins Pack, Arkham City Harley Quinn's Revenge, Just Cause 2, Beyond Good and Evil (also bought a copy for a friend), Deus Ex Human Revolution, Quantium Conundrome (John de Lancie :D), Y's Oath of Felghana, Bioshock 1 and 2, and Commander Keen (Gifted to @Redenchilada)

    Monday, 23-Jul-12 18:27:43 UTC from web in context