Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Monday, 20-Aug-12 10:00:08 UTC

  1. [b]Nightly Roundup #[/b]: Daring Do swings into action! Coming one thousand summers from now to a moon near you, it's the latest hot non-film out of not Hollywood, and best one to not see the light of day since Celestia's cinema debut in Some Like it Plot. The non-existent Daring Do film wowed imaginary critics up to three towns over from an undisclosed starting location, and promises to feature all of the crystals, dungeons, Nazi-ponies, >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/08/nightly-roundup-413.html http://ur1.ca/9zrei

    Monday, 20-Aug-12 10:00:08 UTC from Phoe