ゆきくん (vampixxkitty)'s status on Saturday, 01-Sep-12 17:18:03 UTC

  1. @superrainbowblast meh. next time, please think before you talk...? I mean I understand english is universal language and all and that this site is in english..but i like writing in other languages because well...not everyone knows english and frankly i'm glad. English can be spoken and all but as long as you don't forget your roots either. the languages i speak/write fluently are my roots. (besides Japanese) I'm learning arabic because I AM part middle eastern....I want to learn the language of my ancestors. No one else in my family knows german either. I'm the only one who happens to know german fluently... I had to study it on my own for over 7 years... online....and using phrasebooks/dictionaries....same thing with Japanese...it's called dedication, my dear. :u meh.

    Saturday, 01-Sep-12 17:18:03 UTC from web in context