mr. no (punctuation)'s status on Saturday, 06-Oct-12 19:06:45 UTC

  1. @minti But luck isn't exactly a fact, more so an opinion. Say someone won 100 dollars, alot of people would be like, "Lucky!" Wherein say, Bill Gates would be like, "W/e yo." And since one is left to decide if that was luck or just happened and not exactly anything special, it is therefore not a liable factor in stuff, but PROBABILITY is real, I mean, no one can say, "Oh you have a 1 in 10000 chance to land on heads on that coin." They would be incorrect, therefore probability is real, as you cannot make a different statement and not be wrong, so luck could be considered an opinion on probability, and what it 'landed' on. I.E. A dude wins the lottery, some people would say that he has bad luck, 'cuz he's a high target to be robbed or something.

    Saturday, 06-Oct-12 19:06:45 UTC from web in context