ElectroiDFiRe (electroidfire)'s status on Sunday, 18-Nov-12 11:49:07 UTC

  1. @fortecadenza Yea,but its not like Wii has never had a third party FPS since it did had the CoD titles and the Wii did had third party support until later on when the Wii hardware was not capable of handling titles like GTA,Assassins Creed,Prototype,Battlefield and so on,But at same time Nintendo did go with a different approach unlike Sony/Microsoft and went with motion controls which in my opinion is just not there for me and such,besides so far it looks like Wii U will be pretty powerful to handle PS4/Xbox 720 titles if they release in next year or so

    Sunday, 18-Nov-12 11:49:07 UTC from web in context