Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Friday, 14-Dec-12 20:10:05 UTC

  1. Artisan Pony Crafts #: Every time I see one of these pony automatons I'm just blown away! It reminds me how I've never seen anything so elaborate or wonderful as these creations in any other fandom. I'm truly blown away at how creative everyone is! I swear, it gets harder and harder to choose a header image with each new compilation! Check out what I mean after the break. Rarity Dress Making >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2012/12/artisan-pony-crafts-7.html http://ur1.ca/c1v5c

    Friday, 14-Dec-12 20:10:05 UTC from Calpain