jack's status on Thursday, 20-Dec-12 17:04:34 UTC

  1. @renovatedkitchen oh no problem being rude to my mother i kinda somewhat dont care i take enough crap from both of my parents the only one i can rely on is my brother he insults me but not to much and you tell he was joking but when my dad does it he goes to far and my mom dosent do it but when they do insult me she laughs and plays along that really ticks me off but they are all the same total jerks you know the saying (do good things good things happen) ya thats a lie i was the good guy i got bullied for 7 years my parents bully me call me gay and they throw me in stupid events and stuff and they dont even take to them they are self centered

    Thursday, 20-Dec-12 17:04:34 UTC from web in context