humanbean's status on Saturday, 22-Dec-12 05:26:12 UTC

  1. @nerthos Through the Bible, we can communicate with God. It (the original parts of it, at least..) was made sacredly and in the vision of God. He IS the word. Stupid human translations ruined it. Darn humans. God allowed/created those contradictions though lol ^^ I, too, find humans as just BLEH creatures, which then weirds me out, and agree that we should just try to better ourselves. (wwjd haha) I really wish some of my closest friends were like you so they could talk with me about these things :DD I do have a couple but I feel like I just clicked with you on this topic (well disregarding the whole ..first thing he discussed that I do not feel like wording once more) . ALL ON A BRONY FANDOM SITE. ahaha

    Saturday, 22-Dec-12 05:26:12 UTC from web in context