Solar Chaser (solarchaser)'s status on Saturday, 22-Dec-12 23:57:12 UTC

  1. Hey everybrony! I have a quick question, my friends (4 girls and one boy) seem to possibly be bronies and pegasisters. Now I know that the 4 girls are pegasisters because they are CONSTANTLY talking about MLP but I can't tell if the boy is. I first suspected this last year when he said to a friend "lets have some apple cider!" then a few days ago I overheard him saying BROHOOF! Now I don't know if he was just doing this to be nice to the pegasisters or what but how can I ask if he is a brony? I already know two brony friends but this guy is really one of my best friends and I want to ask him. So what would be the best way?

    Saturday, 22-Dec-12 23:57:12 UTC from web