Hi (rainbowjayce)'s status on Monday, 24-Dec-12 09:28:51 UTC

  1. Me: “Okay, so since you’re wild and crazy, and your favorite pony is Fluttershy, your pony name will be… umm… Nuttershy!” (They laugh uproariously at this.) Older cousin: “My favorite pony is Rainbow Dash! Can my pony name be Sonic Rainboom?” Me: “Okay! Nice! Now only I need a pony name, hmmm…” Younger cousin: “Your favorite pony is Pinkie Pie, and you have like a million cats, so your name will be bananasy Pie!” Me: “Uh…” Cousins: “Come on, applesy Pie! Let’s go write a letter to Princess Celestia and let her know we’ve all made new friends today!”

    Monday, 24-Dec-12 09:28:51 UTC from web