Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Wednesday, 02-Jan-13 19:10:04 UTC

  1. Story: Bing Bang Zam!: [Comedy] [Slice of Life] "A well-executed bit of courtroom drama that falls into piles of laughs and absurdity at exactly the right times." Pre-Reader # Author: Pegasus Rescue Brigade Description: When Flim and Flam discover their beloved catchphrase is being used by a television personality, they respond in the only way they feel is appropriate: by filing a lawsuit. Additional Tags: Unnecessary lawsuit, int >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/01/story-bing-bang-zam.html http://ur1.ca/cdyfz

    Wednesday, 02-Jan-13 19:10:04 UTC from Cereal Velocity