Hunter (fluttershy626)'s status on Sunday, 06-Jan-13 00:59:43 UTC

  1. I became a fan rather recently. I checked it out back in may and thought it was fun, but I didn't get into it until around November this year. I watched the show almost every day, and wrote a paper on the fandom for college. This christmas, my girlfriend got me a ton of ponies and pony related stuff. She and I have been watching it together. Plus, her roomates nephew is 14, and a brony. He cam down for christmas, and he and I spent a lot of time hanging out. He gets bullied for it every day from school, to his step-dad. it's such a shame people don't actually TRY watching the show, to see how truly excellent it is.

    Sunday, 06-Jan-13 00:59:43 UTC from web