Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Thursday, 24-Jan-13 00:10:06 UTC

  1. Story: Asylum: [Sad] This is a story that differentiates itself from all other "Pony is Insane" stories by rightfully deserving its "Sad" tag, but not needing a "Dark" one. One enters the story wondering when Twilight is going to realize it is all fake. Whatever the author's future intent may be, one finishes the chapters presented here simply hoping that she gets better... -Prereader # Author: Derek (Daemon of Decay) Description: When Twi >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/01/story-asylum.html http://ur1.ca/clmce

    Thursday, 24-Jan-13 00:10:06 UTC from Sethisto