Artorias (bowandlyre)'s status on Saturday, 02-Feb-13 03:16:47 UTC

  1. Random conversation i just had with a girl I've never met: Girl:Heey c: Me:Hi! Girl:Wyd ^.^ Me:Not much really watching videos on Youtube. Girl:What Kind Of Videos ? Me:Gaming related ones. Girl:Oh Thats Cool Me:What about you? Girl:Jst Listening To Music I Guess.. Me:Like what? Girl:Nicki Minaj Hehehe Me:oh lol Girl:Ahahaha Yeah Me:Now if you don't mind me asking, who are you? XD I don't think I've ever talked to you... Girl:Im *******, A Girl Ahahaha Why Yuh Dont Like Talking To Strangers ? c: Me:No not at all! XD Girl:Ahahahaa Awwww Sowwy :c Me:It's ok Girl:Well We Can Talk More Often Then We Wont Be Strangers c: Me:Alright then. Girl:Ahahaha Soo Yuh Live Far ?? Me:I live in Puerto Rico, I'm sure I liive far Girl:God Damm Yuh Do xD

    Saturday, 02-Feb-13 03:16:47 UTC from web in context