Circuit Mane (circuitmane)'s status on Tuesday, 05-Feb-13 01:06:45 UTC

  1. !thebronyshow The Brony Show 84 Hey everypony. It's another great episode of The Brony Show coming to you live from the Brony Show Studios. In this episode we have Writer's Block from Filly Gamez coming on to talk about a brand new project he's working on. We also have Listen Up from Big Apple Ponycon making an appearance. What juicy tidbits does he have to share with us? Who can say. Along with that we're bringing you the latest in news, animation, and music made by all you amazing bronies out there. Be sure to tune in over at at 6PM PST/9PM EST for all the fun.

    Tuesday, 05-Feb-13 01:06:45 UTC from web