Circuit Mane (circuitmane)'s status on Tuesday, 12-Feb-13 01:21:22 UTC

  1. !thebronyshow The Brony Show 85 It's another week and another great episode of The Brony Show. We're coming to you live with all the news going around the Brony community. First we sit with some news, including the hard hitting stuff that has hit the community. Then we go into a topic we've been eager to do since the beginning of the year, The Brony Show's Con Survival Guide. We'll talk about everything you'll experience when going to a con and how best to prepare yourself for the insanity of it all, with good tips for first time con goers and even veterans alike. Then we come on with the latest episode of MLP: FiM with Games Ponies Play, and end the night with your favorite mix of animation, PMV's, and everything else we find that we love. The fun begins at 6PM PST/ 9PM EST. over at You can also join us an hour early for our preshow, which will definitely be a treat. And stay after the show for Crimson's Oatmeal Galore Afterparty.

    Tuesday, 12-Feb-13 01:21:22 UTC from web