Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Thursday, 28-Feb-13 03:10:03 UTC

  1. Larrys/Jetpack Comic # Exclusive + RD Microseries B: Larrys Comics has sent out a mass email to subscribers revealing the 6th exclusive shared comic between them and Jetpack. This one in particular is just a rough copy that will be expanded upon soon, but it gives you a good idea on what to expect. You can find all of their comics ! Thanks to Daniel for the heads up! Update: Another comic cover, this one rolling with >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/02/larrysjetpack-comic-6-exclusive-rd.html http://ur1.ca/cxagn

    Thursday, 28-Feb-13 03:10:03 UTC from Sethisto