Brandon Riley Burnthorn (kingpopadopalus)'s status on Monday, 04-Jul-11 16:52:45 UTC

  1. @elind85 *facepalm* this country that I once thought great is falling more and more each day, why be free when free means you are free to stand in the government run soup line or try your hand at the hordes of idiotic biased masses? I believe its time for a full reset, we need to rid of career politicians, political parties and return to a state of a republic as was originally intended by the founders. I love America, don't get me wrong, but whats its turning into is upsetting to anyone with a basic understanding of its past glory. Call me what you will but the truth of the matter is that we're broke, going into more debt by the second, our personal freedoms being stripped bit by bit, and soon we will all be under the foot of PC of which there is no escape, I'm just glad unions are all but destroyed in Wisconsin now. Finally we can negotiate for what we as individuals need and not have to pay straight from our paychecks to the union machine.

    Monday, 04-Jul-11 16:52:45 UTC from web in context