Circuit Mane (circuitmane)'s status on Tuesday, 02-Apr-13 00:15:44 UTC

  1. !thebronyshow "The Brony Show 91 - A Bite of Big Apple Ponycon Hello everypony, It's another great monday and we're here to bring you the fun of April Fools here on the show. We're going to sit down with some of the movers and shakers of Big Apple Ponycon this week to talk about the aftermath and everything that happened behind the scenes and get some real info from Listen up, D-pad, and a few other awesome bronies. We also will be bringing you the Double Rainboom animation, as well as our commentary on it. What do we think of this incredible brony animation project? you'll have to tune in to find out. Also we will be having fun with news, videos, and other random fun we can find for this joyous of insane holidays. Be sure to join us at at 6PM PST/ 9PM EST.

    Tuesday, 02-Apr-13 00:15:44 UTC from web