Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Thursday, 09-May-13 00:10:05 UTC

  1. More Comic Covers - Fluttershy Micro B, Emerald Knights # Variant, and Larrys/Jetpack Combo Cover: A bunch of covers have popped up over the last few hours. The one up above is the new Jetpack and Larrys combo variant, with the usual bonus of tying together if you buy from both stores. Right now It's just a concept shot, but it does follow their last few issues with the superhero theme. And below, you will find two T >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/05/more-comic-covers-fluttershy-micro-b.html http://ur1.ca/drbd1

    Thursday, 09-May-13 00:10:05 UTC from Sethisto