Anthony (cupcakinator)'s status on Saturday, 09-Jul-11 03:44:45 UTC

  1. @kingcarcinopony Anthony’s tribute was risen, they where all taught what he could teach them. all of them like a son to him, and they were as close as they could ever be. Anthony loved them and they loved him, all was perfect. They all knew what they where about to do, and they knew they would regret it, but they went through with it, after all it is what they were born for and although they didn’t want to, with every look into one of there eye’s they where reassured that it needed to be done. Soon all was over, they started slowly and quietly, picking out the placed that would give them an upper hand and expand there masses. After a while they where noticed but with what they learned from the people who cooperated and with what they could come up with they had enough supplies and people to take down everyone by force.

    Saturday, 09-Jul-11 03:44:45 UTC from web in context