Chief the pony (chiefpony)'s status on Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 13:10:31 UTC

  1. Uh... This is sort of odd to say... But 2 of my friends in my RP channel and I, we've been having the same dreams recently... But from our OC's perspective... Like 2 nights ago I had a dream where I was one of my characters up in Dash's house doing a random practice boom for Dash (she needed a unicorn to blow the wind back at her so she could get up to speed while staying in place) and we heard a scream from outside, looked out and saw the other 2 people's OCs running. So I told them about it. They told me they'd had the same dream but through the eye's of their RP characters

    Tuesday, 12-Jul-11 13:10:31 UTC from web in context