Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Thursday, 27-Jun-13 23:20:05 UTC

  1. Poll Results: Worst Pony Drama So Far This Year?: Drama! Sometimes a bit of madness is good for bringing a fandom together, while other times it splits us apart. I'm sure each of these has effected all of you more or less than others. Feel free to discuss away below! Onward to the next poll: Oldschool ponies hitting up FiM with sleek new styles. Which would you like to see? Do you even know who these ponies are? (Caus >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/06/poll-results-worst-pony-drama-so-far.html http://ur1.ca/egm0g

    Thursday, 27-Jun-13 23:20:05 UTC from Sethisto in context