Disco Draws (swiftperception)'s status on Monday, 01-Jul-13 05:40:15 UTC

  1. Hello everyone, now we all know how screwed up the Xbox Live Enforcement Team can be. Now I am an Xbox Live gamer and when i play games it to have fun. I'm the guy who get into a game lobby and and tells jokes and makes hilarious voices that everyone like to laugh at. but because of my good deeds in "enhancing the gaming experience with laughter" I was recently communication banned. For the people who don't know what that is, it's when u cant use any form of communication with friends or others. Basically, you cant send messages, talk to friends, or talk in game chat. So what i did was make a new account. The reason im in need of help or "assistance" is for some reason now when you make a new Xbox Live account you no longer have one free month of Xbox Live. So what im asking of you RDN is if you have spare Xbox Live trial cards and you're feeling generous please PM me the code or codes for the Xbox Live Trial.

    Monday, 01-Jul-13 05:40:15 UTC from web