madington flavors (madflavors)'s status on Wednesday, 13-Jul-11 04:00:49 UTC

  1. @treasurehunter (note i do care im just typing you an essay) i know the feeling when you get rejected. i know that wont make you feel any better, try (and believe me i know it's hard) to look at this in a positive light. Just cause you got rejected once doesn't mean you should give up. go back rework, reword, retype if necessary and keep on trying. the worst thing they can do is say no. they won't kill you or take your vauable so keep on going. roll with the punches. i'm not much of a good editor but i can try and help you if you want it. Just don't let one time get ya down.

    Wednesday, 13-Jul-11 04:00:49 UTC from web in context