Dashie Markers (sarcasticbrony)'s status on Thursday, 04-Jul-13 14:03:19 UTC

  1. So I'm at the theater and i hand my tickets to the guy, I'm wearing my hat with the man 6 on it, and he said "that'll be 2 bits please?" I kinda froze up cause i had no idea if he meant 25 cents or he was referencing. "she doesn't get it" my granny says. "she knows what I'm talking about" he replies. As we walk down to the theater he said yay in flutter shys voice. I burst out laughing. My granny (who thinks i'm an idoit) explains the joke about the 2 bits and 25 cents thing, I explained that bits were money in "the pony world" and i was kinda freaking out inside about that guy.

    Thursday, 04-Jul-13 14:03:19 UTC from web