Dont Know (darkstorm)'s status on Monday, 08-Jul-13 20:00:10 UTC

  1. Just Bought the rights to a type of game coding that is for a original game im working on. It costs 300... Amazing really I have a programmer working for me called alclopsponies. Were working on a RP. (Dont Tell Hasbro.) :D Its gone fantastically... Im using some of the models from MLP:RiM and the code i bought off of a friend of mine. It will be high quality. I've worked on it after I watched the 9th episode of the first season I got the idea. I heard about so many others getting shutdown so im keeping it a secret. If you tell anyone at hasbro. I will track you down. And get you. >:( 3 months in. I will have the beta out in about another 4-5 1/2 Months.

    Monday, 08-Jul-13 20:00:10 UTC from web