komamiki's status on Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 11:39:29 UTC

  1. i hate this thing. i hate this thing so much, it scared me so much when i was little, i remember unwrapping it and being really happy with it and i was partying with it but then it did this really scary thing. it made this really scary noise and i hid it in my sisters closet for like 4 years and then my sister found it and started carrying it everywhere so i devised a plan to get rid of it. i hate coke, but i would be like “hgey can i try some coke…" and then they would give me some coke and then i would spit it out onto the iz and it would die. my plan did not work so i created a new plan. i would pour water into it. i did that and that didnt work eitehr and i got really gyuilty about it and i woke up at night crying bc i didnt want to kill it becausew i was so scared of it. i dont know where i was going with this post i dont even rememebr what i was originally going to type here but thats my story http://ur1.ca/eu55v

    Wednesday, 31-Jul-13 11:39:29 UTC from web