Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Tuesday, 06-Aug-13 22:40:07 UTC

  1. Daring Do and More Blindbags on Taobao: It's about time we got some up in here! It looks like some future collector sets are going to include her, as well as a Derpy and tattooed . I'm assuming that last one is a very oddly colored Fluttershy, but I could be totally wrong. Expect to see them later this year if the usual early announcements on Taobao are any indication. >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/08/daring-do-and-more-blindbags-on-taobao.html http://ur1.ca/exhio

    Tuesday, 06-Aug-13 22:40:07 UTC from Sethisto in context