Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Wednesday, 07-Aug-13 00:20:04 UTC

  1. Pony Baking Event - Make Cake, Win Signed Stuff and Equestria Girls Blu-Rays!: For a good a year or so, Calpain and I have been sorting endless supplies of delicious pony cakes in the Nightly Roundups. It's time to take this trend to a new level! It's time to GET BAKING! Shout Factory has given us three in honor of its release today, as well as 3 signed posters with the following big names on each: Tara Strong (Va >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/08/pony-baking-event-make-cake-win-signed.html http://ur1.ca/exirq

    Wednesday, 07-Aug-13 00:20:04 UTC from Sethisto in context