Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Saturday, 10-Aug-13 19:10:03 UTC

  1. Discussion: How Should we Handle Cosplay Submissions?: One thing that has bounced around the EQD skype chats for a good year and a half now is the topic of Cosplay. We get a ton of submissions for everything else each day, and a good amount of them don't end up making it on the blog for various reasons. Because of this, we have almost completely avoided posting cosplay of any kind since the start. Sending a song or >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/08/discussion-how-should-we-handle-cosplay.html http://ur1.ca/ezthg

    Saturday, 10-Aug-13 19:10:03 UTC from Sethisto in context