Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Sunday, 11-Aug-13 22:10:04 UTC

  1. Story: In Quintuple Time: [Comedy][Random] "Like a maroon Sasquatch tortilla rope with a watermelon sparkle jive." -Pre-Reader Noir Voice Author: HoofBitingActionOverload Description: Applejack steps out of her barn to discover that her home is gone, and the entirety of Sweet Apple Acres has been transformed into a beach. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash is opening up a juice bar on her front lawn, Pinkie Pie's dancing the hula, and Big M >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/08/story-in-quintuple-time.html http://ur1.ca/f0f9w

    Sunday, 11-Aug-13 22:10:04 UTC from Sethisto in context