Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Monday, 12-Aug-13 20:20:03 UTC

  1. Chibi Pony Pack Gen Con Release: Remember that from forever ago? The people behind it (Impact Miniatures) sent over a mini news update detailing their release. It looks like we will be seeing them first debut over at Gencon. An image of the toys can be found up above. I guess we can call this kickstarter a huge success! You can find their webpage over , though they aren't listing these at the moment. Have the official stat >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/08/chibi-pony-pack-gen-con-release.html http://ur1.ca/f108o

    Monday, 12-Aug-13 20:20:03 UTC from Sethisto in context