Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Thursday, 15-Aug-13 01:20:03 UTC

  1. Story: Birds of a Feather: [Comedy][Shipping] Author: AbstractThought Description: Pinkie Pie was coming over to Fluttershy's house to invite her to a party when she witnessed a shocking scene: Gilda trying to eat Fluttershy's tongue! She immediately knew she had to get her friends so they could stop that mean griffon before it was too late. After all, why else would Gilda have her beak in Fluttershy's mouth? Additional Tags: Grif >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/08/story-birds-of-feather.html http://ur1.ca/f25uz

    Thursday, 15-Aug-13 01:20:03 UTC from Sethisto in context