Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Tuesday, 20-Aug-13 18:10:04 UTC

  1. Princess Celestia Funko Figure Heading to Toys R' Us: There isn't an image available yet, but it looks like a Celestia Funko figure is joining Spitfire and Bonbon for Toys R' Us exclusives. Technically this would be the first "larger" size one, and show off how the Luna and Applejack announced the other day will be boxed up. The only thing pointing toward Cele is the product description: Product DescriptionMy Little >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/08/princess-celestia-funko-figure-heading.html http://ur1.ca/f4vpq

    Tuesday, 20-Aug-13 18:10:04 UTC from Sethisto in context