RDN's Lucifer (nerthos)'s status on Tuesday, 27-Aug-13 02:51:03 UTC

  1. @nerthos The Emperor goes to mars and makes a series of agreements with the Techpriests, the religious engineers who populate the world, to supply his troops with equipment and proper ships. He goes to his base beneath the himalayan mountains, and engineers 20 Primarchs, superhuman generals for his army. Chaos doesn't like it so the ruinous powers teleport the gestation pods of the primarchs to all around the galaxy. Eventually the Emperor finds 18 of the 20, and gives each a legion of Astartes, the Space Marines, derived each legion's DNA from that of it's corresponding primarch. With them, they conquer back most of the old empire under the banner of the Emperor and his Imperium of Man, starting a new golden age with the living god at the head and the primarchs and Malcador the Sigilite, a powerful psyker, helping lead everything.

    Tuesday, 27-Aug-13 02:51:03 UTC from web in context