Jeremy (currykatsu)'s status on Tuesday, 19-Jul-11 05:43:52 UTC

  1. @slapdash hehe well... I wouldn't say I've exactly gotten to that point yet. To tell you the truth, I'm actually kinda " in-between jobs" right now. I had a really sweet paid internship at a game company as I was finishing up graduate school. But that ended a few months ago and I wasn't able to get hired on full time there, so I'm on the hunt for another opportunity. I am actually working for an indie studio right now, and we are working on commercial titles (We've shipped one published game so far); the studio is a group of my close friends from college. Only downside is I'm working for just a name credit ( but no wages). so Lol so yeah, living the dream, but not quite making a living yet lol. Do you play alot of games? Do you consider yourself a "gamer" (although sometimes I feel like I'm not even sure how to define that word anymore lol XD.)

    Tuesday, 19-Jul-11 05:43:52 UTC from web in context