Jeremy (currykatsu)'s status on Tuesday, 19-Jul-11 06:37:43 UTC

  1. @slapdash cool, I do think I have a pretty nostalgic feeling about the cartoons of the 80s' and 90s- lol I watched alot of cartoons as a kid hehe. I really love the late 80's/early 90's Don Bluth animated films- back when he really did go toe to toe with Disney. Its a pity that feature film animation isn't like that any more. Oh yeah, btw, I had a classmate who was an intern at Cartoon Network- although it wasn't in SoCal, it was actually all the way across the country in Atlanta. He was a level design intern on the Cartoon Network FusionFall online game. Actually I had several classmates who interned there, a couple of them were artists on the game =)

    Tuesday, 19-Jul-11 06:37:43 UTC from web in context