Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Sunday, 15-Sep-13 17:20:04 UTC

  1. My Little Star Pony Seeks People for Animation Project: With an entertaining video and the prospect of Ponies in SPAAACE in tow, a team of animators, writers, musicians, and voice actors is looking to expand a bit for their full blow star pony animation project.  They even threw togeather an entertaining video for all you people that don't have any of the required skills.  Head on down below to check it out! >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/09/my-little-star-pony-seeks-people-for.html http://ur1.ca/fjxyq

    Sunday, 15-Sep-13 17:20:04 UTC from Sethisto in context