Equestria Daily Mailpony (eqdpony)'s status on Saturday, 21-Sep-13 19:10:04 UTC

  1. Comic Followup - The Big Mac Arc - Issue #: It's Saturday! Time for another one of these! As many of you that pay attention to the blog regularly have probably already noticed, I've started doing comic followups similar to our episode followups that we run when pony is in season.  If you haven't read the Big Mac arc yet, , as this entire post is spoilers.  Our followups are not reviews, they simply point out the th >http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/09/comic-followup-big-mac-arc-issue-10.html http://ur1.ca/fngda

    Saturday, 21-Sep-13 19:10:04 UTC from Sethisto